Ulcerative colitis - Symptoms and causes



Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that primarily affects the colon (large intestine) and rectum. It causes inflammation and sores, or ulcers, to develop in the inner lining of the colon. The exact cause of ulcerative colitis is not fully understood, but it is believed to involve a combination of genetic, environmental, and immune system factors.


The symptoms of ulcerative colitis can vary in severity and may include:

1. Diarrhea: Often with blood or pus in the stool.

2. Abdominal pain and cramping.

3. Fatigue and weakness.

4. Weight loss.

5. Rectal bleeding.

6. Loss of appetite.

7. Anemia due to blood loss.

8. Urgency to have a bowel movement.

9. Joint pain and swelling.

10. Skin rashes.


Ulcerative colitis can have a significant impact on a person’s health and quality of life. It can lead to complications such as:

1. Severe dehydration and malnutrition due to diarrhea and poor nutrient absorption.

2. Anemia and other blood-related issues.

3. Inflammation of other parts of the body, such as the eyes, skin, and joints.

4. Increased risk of colorectal cancer, especially in cases of long-term inflammation.

5. Colitis can be caused by infections, loss of blood supply, or chronic diseases. Allergic reactions can also cause colitis. Chronic causes of colitis include inflammatory bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Most people with ulcerative colitis experience urgent bowel movements as well as crampy abdominal pain. The pain may be stronger on the left side, but it can occur anywhere in the abdomen. Together, these may result in loss of appetite and subsequent weight loss. These symptoms, along with anemia, can lead to fatigue


What are the natural ways of curing colitis?

I diagnosed with Colitis in year 2015 December. It all stared off with affecting my bowel (motion) followed by cramping, severe abdominal pain and constant feeling of throwing up. I was to travel outstation at that time hence immediately went to see a doc and I was diagnosed with Colitis. I was hearing the name of this disease for the very first time being unaware of the consequences of being a victim of the same. I was subscribed with a couple of medicines including pain killers for some time which did help me get rid of it for sometime. However, as they say allopathy will never help you get rid of the disease totally. You have to find out the root-cause and find a solution for it. My abdominal pain was persistent and irresistible making me inefficient in all possible ways. make sure that there is no any thing as such that is bothering you or haunting you because this one of the major root causes of getting diagnosed with Colitis. If this is not the thing, you are good to go to the next step of aspiring medical treatment. If yes, please please please do NOT hesitate to look for a good counsellor. Trust me that helps. Been there, done that!


You will come across a lots and lots of diet plans, in order to control the growth of Colitis and get rid of it. However, I would suggest you to see a good doctor and get a customised diet plan for yourself. Make sure you will religiously follow it.

Third and most effective way to get rid of it, besides diet plan and medicine is YOGA. You name the disease and yoga will give the best suitable Yogasana for it. Go for it. Find yourself a very good Yoga instructor, who will teach you the same personally and patiently.

While doing above-mentioned things, the most important thing is to be PATIENT. Colitis takes a lot of time to get cured, what matters the most is how you take it and handle it.



Treatment for ulcerative colitis aims to manage symptoms, induce remission, and prevent complications. It often involves a combination of medications, dietary changes, and sometimes surgery in severe cases. Since ulcerative colitis is a chronic condition, ongoing monitoring and management by healthcare professionals are essential to optimize the person’s health and well-being. If you suspect you or someone you know may have ulcerative colitis, it’s important to seek medical evaluation and guidance for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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