Monkeypox ( symptoms, couses & treatment )

Monkeypox is a poxvirus that’s related to both smallpox, cowpox, and vaccinia virus that’s used as a vaccine to protect against smaller.

The reference to monke in the name is actually faulty and the virus is probably carried by some species of rodents. There are occasional spillovers to monkeys and the first identified occurrences were in a group of monkeys used for research in the 60ies if I remember correctly, hence the name. The disease is endemic in certain parts of Africa, which species that harbor the virus is still unknown, but occasional outbreaks occur in populations of monkeys and from time to time there are also human cases that probably got infected through scratched and bodily fluids while preparing bushmeat.

Most cases occur in the Demographics republic of Congo, symptoms mimic those of smallpox and smallpox vaccinations provide around 85% protection against monkeypox.

Human to human transmission can occur but monkeypox does not appear to be as contagious as smallpox. Isolated human cases have been identified outside of Africa but most are thought to be imported cases from endemic areas. The disease isn’t benign, but less lethal than smallpox and outbreaks in humans can reach a case fatality rate of upto 10%.

How dangerous is monkeypox?

It has only proven fatal in a handful of cases … none so far in the US … however, it is swiftly mutating and appears to be a threat to infants and children as well as disabled and compromised. Researchers have already observed 50 mutant variants emerging. So, we don’t know how threatening it might become. Immunization would contain that but I don’t see that happening in the currently anti this and that climate.

What are its symptoms

Monkeypox virus is an enveloped double-stranded DNA virus that belongs to the Orthopoxvirus genus of the Poxviridae family.

Monkeypox was discovered in 1958 when two outbreaks of a pox-like disease occurred in groups of monkeys being used for research.

How it spreads

When you are in close contact with someone who has the virus:

Through direct contact with their rash, scabs, or body fluids

By breathing in the virus during prolonged, face-to-face contact or during intimate physical contact such as kissing, cuddling, or sex

From touching items (such as clothes, bedding, or towels) that were used by someone who has the virus

During pregnancy, from the pregnant parent to the baby

From infected animals:By being scratched or bitten by the animalBy preparing or eating meat or using products from the animal.


After exposure, it may be several days to a few weeks before you develop symptoms. Early signs of monkeypox include flu-like symptoms like:





Swollen lymph node.

After a few days, a rash often develops. The rash starts as flat, red bumps, which can be painful. Those bumps turn into blister which fill with pus. Eventually, the blisters crust over and fall off — the whole process can last two to four weeks.

In how many days can the chicken pox be cured?

EXACTLY… How much days it will take that depends on person's life style, his immune system, how much he takes care of his body, he follows all the medication given by doc,,. NOT THAT MEDICATION is given to cure, chicken pox they give only(in my case they gave me medication or not.., I Don't know if they gave then i don't remember cause I was in 3 grade of cream i remember if they also give medication then i don't know) cream which is applied on our body cause chicken pox boils are very itchy.. Our body tends to itch that boils but that should not be done doctor strictly says no to touch or itch the boils because the watery thing coming out from that boils may spread to more parts of body and they may increase.

We should not put oil on head, then neem bath, neem smoke should be done. If we feel itchy then we should touch them with keeping neem on hands, something eatry is prohibited by doctor than if we follow all this and take sufficient rest then our immune system can fully concentrate on that viruses and can kill should have very good immunity then it will be cured soon there is no specific period that in this much days only chicken pox will be cured, there are ups and downs according to different people. It should not last for so many days then immediately should consult to doctor.

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